Tuesday 13 April 2010

Life is nothing without Friendship.

So then, have you got the feel about my blog? Yes, good. No, oh well, maybe you are slow at getting a hang of things. But don’t give up..!

As I began to look for inspiration to begin this post I watched The Jungle Book. And I wondered what if we all had talking animal pets we could escape too and have a sing and dance routine; wouldn’t that be fun?

We all need to find our happy place, we all need that someone we can just pour out heart and talk, we all need that someone we can trust with all our heart and mind, and we all need someone we can be silly with. And that’s how the idea stuck on for this post, the value and need of real and true Friendship. This is the first of a series of post on FRIENDSHIP. I hope you enjoy it.

I believe there are three types of friends: those like food, without which you can’t live; those like medicine, which you need occasionally; and those like an illness, which you never want. And in life you meet many such characters who maybe your food you can’t do without and they are your favourite energy bar.

There are some of us who find it difficult to trust other people and I for one wouldn’t chatter my way into another person until we’ve gained mutual respect, trust and the bragging rights to laugh on their face. Hence, you built a wall only to see if anyone can break it down for you and the one that does is truly a friend you must treasure.

I’ll be honest and say I never had a “Best Friend” maybe I never felt the need of it because my two younger sisters and my mum have been my sanctuary of help. And I am very exclusive I dislike to have these huge gang of friends; I much rather have friends I can count on my fingers. But life as I know it has always surprised me in a good and not so good way and when you never expect things to happen they just happen anyway mostly putting a smile on your face.

Samyukta Somvanshi, my dear bitch, yes, we have been tight since 2009. But you might say, your friendship is a year old how can you best friends? Well, of course it’s been only a year but we’ve spent that one year together mostly 7 days a week, did exciting things (well if you consider working exciting), went out  eating, drinking, covering press conferences, interviews, lunches, pani-puri,Adam-teasing and a whole lot off girlie things. And we have even followed each other to England, although I don’t mind taking credit that I pushed her towards it. Sam, for me is the food friend, she is a mix of an introvert and extrovert, a total fighter when need be and cool as a cucumber too. A Fencing champion, she gets her traits of a winner automatically, a vivid traveler, she’s been places and as I write this she is probably somewhere is Europe hitchhiking!

Spending Xmas 2009 in London with her was probably the best thing. We went sight-seeing, posh Xmas dinner at a Italian restaurant @ Leicester Square, some more Adam-teasing…yes, she’s bloody good at it. A quality most people might say is cheap and silly. While shopping at Oxford Street we spotted this tall, dark and handsome bloke who had the perfect body, make your heart melt smile and he smelt good as well. Sam said, “let’s walk up and tell him he is good looking that’s what another friend does and its fun, come Natasha abbe chal na…!” I chickened out but I watched her walk up to this hottest lad we’d seen in London and say, “Hi, just wanted to tell you, that you are handsome and you look good.” Obviously the guy was flattered he smiled and said thanks and I started laughing. Sam, teaches me how to be silly and smart since that experience I’ve walked up to 3 men and provided them compliments and I must say men can’t handle compliments all they says is “hey, thanks”. But nonetheless I’ve gotten more confident to get silly and have some fun.

Thank you Sam, I miss you very much. Remember your Euro trip won’t be complete until you don’t pay Newcastle upon Tyne a visit and check out some Geordie blokes. Can’t wait to go mental with you soon…xx

FK, my food friend. I can’t do without her. Period. Our friendship goes back to Sophia days where we were all a bunch of twats, in a nice way though! Frith was possibly on every sport team at college. She’s mental this one, absolutely bonkers, she’ll make you tear your hair off, crazy, crazy woman. Which means this livewire when around will only provide you a lot of fun you could write a thesis about. College was fun; we took Psychology and Sociology classes together, were part of Kaleidoscope (our college festival and annual Adam-teasing event)

We’ve moved on since college, she works as a head of region operations at a posh Dubai company and we are always in touch. She’s always had these tons of men as options to be with but a level headed woman always picks her options wisely and so does Frith. A vivid traveler as well, she’s been places and we are planning a getaway too (fingers crossed). A lover of French things (see I am not giving details *wink*) she can speak reasonable French. Great with advice and somehow we are always in the same boat where life is concerned. I have hence strongly started believing in the 6 Degree Separation Theory. Merci d'être une telle personne charmante. Merci pour la force que vous me donnez. Je vous remercie, permet maintenant aller mentale!

Juee Gokhale, she is my food friend too. The friendship goes back to Sophia days. This bubbly girl who is so good at what she does, literally! Except for her handwriting though, sorry Juee I couldn’t resist but make fun of it. But another woman who is strong and has a head that functions like a HR person, well that’s because she is one! Currently in Manchester, a city I love for more than football reasons. A weekend visit to her place was much needed to get my head sorted about life issues she makes you think and provides you advice which is simple as “No point running around the bush”. Thank you Juee, you’ve helped me burn the bush and plant a new seed.

Don’t you have any medicine friends Natasha? Yes, I do. But I really don’t want to make a mention of them. Because although we meet once in a blue moon and bond which is good, I don’t classify that as friendship it’s more like an event you look forward to and enjoy. End off. But I stay in touch with them, Facebook helps! Drop a line always to your medicine friends; at least you know they are doing fine.

Do you have any illness friends Natasha? Hell yeah I do! And man they are a pain in such places I cannot mention in public.

So then to wrap it up for me truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. I’ve got to know another great friend of whom I will not make a mention in this post. Because he is a character like no other and I feel blessed to have access to his wacky yet beautiful mind which functions at the highest level of weirdness and honesty. And, if you are reading this, you know I love you dearly and I have labeled you as my food friend (No Sushi, please!*wink*).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

J'ai appris des choses interessantes grace a vous, et vous m'avez aide a resoudre un probleme, merci.

- Daniel